That really was a nice peiece of flash work, i'll look out for you in the future :D
That really was a nice peiece of flash work, i'll look out for you in the future :D
thanks ;D
Very Good
Nice. Good story. Art was nicely done. My only suggestion was a higher frame rate, but it was still fine that was it is.
And a cool ending with the voice of Tom Fulp. even cooler :)
Thanks man! XD
The Frame rate was low since I kinda started off at 12fps for intro than reliezed that I like 24fps better (after practicing in it) than...I couldn't change it..since it would take to long =D.
Soooo, Thanks for compliment and high score =)
Stupid and Imature
These are just stupid, childish and pointless.
Your profile says you're 15. If you're 15 get a fucking life. Stop making jokes about bums willys, wee and poo. It's not funny.
I also zero'd all your flash.
ha you suck, you probably loved the animation seeing as its about 43153718 times better than all the crap you submit, the only reason you voted 0 on ALL our things is because you dont like us, and you call us childish your the one who went and voted 0 on all our movies... GOD your going out of your way to make bad things happen to others, you are the childish one... and just for the record, we dont write the tales of intrest scripts... we have another source from the admin sectin of filmspot which because we are part of the GLA network with filmspot stickists and webspot were instructed to animate from it, so we do... so were not fuckin childish you twat
So Sad :'(
Poor Murrey :'(
The song went brilliantly with the film. And a good use of the Salad Fingers font.
Well Done :)
Aha someone noticed! I didn't like the fact it was the salad finger fonts, but I did like the look of it, I was thinking of remoiving the dots in the middle of the O's to make is less obvious.
Did I Just Watch Futurama!?
Come on, man. That was the worst rip off of Futurama. Ever!
Graphics: You used the stupid Rayman type bodies. It just shows you how much of a newbie you are.
Style: You fail at style. You stole all jokes, practically all the lines were from Futurama..
Sound: Bad idiot music, and low quality voice recording where you can hear muffling in the background just makes it all even worse.
Voilence: None, if there was, it sucked.
Interactivity: None
Humor: All jokes were taken from Futurama, Bitch. All your self made jokes were repetitive and unoriginal.
Well, i'm quite pleased to say, this bites my ass.
Never do this again. Please. Ive viewed your previous flash and it is ALL unoriginal. The Plan A: South Park, then you did something DragonBall Z. For God sakes, learn to write a script, your own jokes and something Good.
You get 2 thumbs DOWN. 0/5. 0/10. Suck my Wang.
could someone please tell me what jokes were taken from futurama, i dont watch it
Funny As Usual
I just love your voice acting for all your movies. Well done. Make more.
Thanks, I will.
Im starting to enjoy these :D
I've watched all the ones you've made of these. Im starting to like them. They're short, and funny.
Keep up the good work, and if you ever need an extra voice or someone to write episodes with you, i'd love to help, i've got quite a big of experience.
Anyway. Great Job 5/5
Well, I appreciate the offer, but I'm really fine with the material I've got.
Thanks, though!
But where's 8?
It's just titled "bonus"
Yes, i gave it overall 0
I did it because i dont like this atall..
You obviously used sothink to steal parts from xiao xiao. Plus matrix parodies became old very long ago..
idiot learn to read i did say that i made this at 2003
You dont put Ammo into a shotgun like that!
Ar you freekin retarded?
Remington CA870 CQB - Maruzen
Not much to say... *tumble weed*
Age 33, Male
Graphics Designer
Brockenhurst College
Bournemouth, UK
Joined on 1/2/04